How to Amend a Registered Trademark?

Registered Trademark
Registered Trademark

Trademark registration stands as a pivotal milestone in securing the identity and reputation of your brand, transcending mere legal formalities to become a cornerstone of your business’s success. As a substantial business asset, a registered trademark not only delineates the exclusive rights to your brand but also acts as a shield against potential infringement, providing a strong foundation for brand recognition and consumer trust.

Overview of Trademark Registration:

The significance of a seamless trademark registration process cannot be overstated. It is not merely a bureaucratic exercise but a strategic maneuver that can impact your business trajectory profoundly. Any oversight or error in the registration process can jeopardize the protection your trademark affords, leaving your brand vulnerable in a competitive market. Therefore, meticulous attention to detail from the outset is imperative to ensure that your trademark registration is not just a formality but a robust defense mechanism for your brand.

This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the often intricate process of amending a registered trademark, shedding light on the nuanced steps involved. From correcting errors to updating information, the journey of amending a registered trademark is a delicate dance between legal intricacies and practical considerations. Each step in this process plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of your trademark registration while adapting to the evolving dynamics of your business.

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Understanding the reasons for amending a registered trademark is paramount. Changes in the business name, address, or logo may necessitate modifications to the existing registration. Additionally, the expansion of product or service offerings under the same brand umbrella might require adjustments to ensure comprehensive protection. Whatever the motive, clarity on the need for an amendment is the first step towards navigating this process successfully.

The trademark registration process typically takes around a year, emphasizing the importance of accuracy during submission. TrademarkCart’s experts streamline this process, ensuring a seamless experience for businesses seeking trademark protection. Let’s explore how to amend a registered trademark in case corrections are needed post-application.

Authority for Altering Trademarks:

Under the Trademarks Act, the Controller-General of Patents Filings, Designs & Trademarks serves as the Registrar for Trademarks. If an applicant needs to make amendments, they must apply to the Registrar. Here are scenarios in which amendments or corrections can be requested:

1. Error in the name, address, or description of the registered proprietor.

2. Change in name, address, or description due to the transfer of the trademark.

3. Adjustment of the classification of goods.

4. Deletion of a class not corresponding to the goods or services.

5. Non-compliance with the Vienna Code for figurative elements.

6. Resemblance to another mark or misspelling of a word.

7. Cancellation of the entry for specific goods or services.

Application Process:

This subsequent section will delve into the specific steps involved in amending a registered trademark, elucidating the legal requirements and practical considerations at each juncture. From filing the appropriate forms to providing supporting documentation, the meticulousness with which these steps are executed directly correlates with the effectiveness of the amendment. A misstep in the process could potentially compromise the validity of your trademark registration.

Furthermore, this guide will illuminate the potential challenges and pitfalls that may arise during the amendment process. Whether it be navigating bureaucratic red tape or addressing objections from the trademark office, a comprehensive understanding of these challenges is instrumental in devising a proactive and effective strategy for successful trademark amendments.

To sum up, safeguarding your brand through trademark registration is a multifaceted undertaking, and the process of amending a registered trademark is a critical component of this journey. By immersing ourselves in the intricacies of this process, we empower businesses to navigate the terrain of trademark amendments with confidence, ensuring that their brand remains not only a symbol of identity but a fortress of protection in the competitive landscape.

To initiate the amendment or correction process, applicants must file the appropriate form, such as Form TM-16 for updating details missed during the initial application. Correction in the certificate of registration involves different forms for minor and major errors, with the latter potentially leading to a proceeding under Section 57(4) of the Act.

Trademark Search:

1. Preliminary Check:

Before initiating any amendment or correction process, applicants should conduct a thorough trademark search to ensure there are no conflicting marks.

Amendment or Correction Process:

2. Initiating the Process:

Applicants are required to file the appropriate form, such as Form TM-16, to address any details missed during the initial application.

3. Form TM-16:

This form serves as the channel for applicants to provide updated information and rectify any omissions in their trademark application.

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Correction in Certificate of Registration:

4. Identification of Errors:

Corrections in the certificate of registration involve addressing both minor and major errors that might have occurred during the application process.

5. Different Forms for Minor and Major Errors:

Applicants need to use specific forms based on the nature of the error. This ensures a streamlined correction process.

6. Section 57(4) Proceedings for Major Errors:

Major errors may trigger a proceeding under Section 57(4) of the Act, emphasizing the importance of accurate and comprehensive corrections.

Importance of Correcting Errors:

7. Legal Implications:

Accurate corrections are crucial to maintain the integrity of the trademark registration process and avoid legal complications.

8. Protection of Intellectual Property:

A well-corrected certificate ensures the proper protection of intellectual property, safeguarding the rights of the trademark owner.

9. Thorough Process for Accuracy:

From conducting a trademark search to utilizing the appropriate forms and addressing errors promptly, the trademark amendment and correction process requires a comprehensive approach for accuracy.

10. Legal Compliance:

Adhering to the prescribed procedures and utilizing the correct forms is essential to ensure legal compliance throughout the trademark registration and correction journey.

Things to Keep in Mind:

After filing the necessary form and supporting documents, the Registrar examines the trademark’s validity and ensures that the applicant has the right to make amendments. Disputes regarding title or ownership may require affidavits from involved parties, underscoring the importance of clarity in the application.

Alteration of a Registered Trademark:

Even after receiving the certificate of registration, alterations that don’t substantially affect the trademark’s identity can be submitted. The Registrar may advertise the altered trademark, and opposition, if filed within the timeframe, will be considered before deciding on the alteration.

Forms for Altering a Trademark:

Here’s a quick summary of the forms for different alterations:

1. Minor changes in name or description – Form TM 33.

2. Changing the name of the proprietor – Form TM 23/24.

3. Changes in the address – Form TM 34.

4. Cancelling a registered trademark – Form TM 35.

5. Striking out goods or services – Form TM 36.

6. Changes in classification – Form TM 40.

7. Alteration in a registered trademark – Form TM 38.

Permitted Alterations or Amendments:

Certain alterations, like changes in the proprietor’s name or address on the trademark label, are permitted. However, alterations to a signature representing the company’s name are not allowed. Opposition to alterations can be submitted using form TM-39, leading to a thorough process outlined in Rules 50 to 57.

How to Register a Trademark Error-Free with TrademarkCart:

While correcting a trademark application is possible, ensuring accuracy from the start is preferable to avoid processing delays. TrademarkCart simplifies the process with a three-step online application, collecting required documents and verifying them before submission.

Registering a Trademark with TrademarkCart:

1. Three-Step Online Application:TrademarkCart streamlines the trademark registration process into a user-friendly three-step online application, simplifying the overall procedure.

2. Efficient Document Collection:

The platform facilitates efficient document collection, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is gathered promptly to prevent delays in the application process.

3. Document Verification:

TrademarkCart goes a step further by verifying collected documents, assuring accuracy and completeness before initiating the trademark application submission.

Benefits of Accuracy from the Start:

4. Preventing Processing Delays:

By emphasizing accuracy in the initial stages, TrademarkCart helps applicants avoid potential delays that may arise during the processing of a trademark application.

5. Avoiding Corrective Measures:

The platform minimizes the need for corrective measures by ensuring that all information is accurate and in compliance with trademark registration requirements.

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User-Friendly Approach:

6. Simplified Procedure:

TrademarkCart’s user-friendly approach makes the trademark registration process accessible to individuals and businesses, reducing the complexity often associated with legal procedures.

7. Accessible Guidance:

The platform provides accessible guidance throughout the application, helping users navigate the complexities of trademark registration with ease.

8. Efficiency and Accuracy:

TrademarkCart’s three-step online application, efficient document collection, and thorough document verification contribute to an efficient and accurate trademark registration process, minimizing potential errors and streamlining the overall experience.


Amending a registered trademark is a meticulous process governed by the Trademarks Act. Whether correcting minor errors or making substantial alterations, adherence to the specified forms and guidelines is essential. By partnering with TrademarkCart for trademark registration, businesses can navigate this process seamlessly, ensuring error-free protection for their valuable brands.

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